Inscribed by the artist on the back –
"En este cuadro vemos al centro el peyote que está transform&o su arcoíris de serpientes y flechas vemos las flores del peyote que nacen de los arcoíris de los peyotes y los serpientes con sus rayos mágicos y los peyotes de los cuatro esquinas representan los cuatro puntos sagrados de los dioses."
Approximate translation –
"In this painting we see in the center the peyote that is transforming its rainbow of snakes and arrows, we see the peyote flowers that are born from the rainbows of the peyotes and the snakes with their magical rays and the peyotes in the four corners represent the four sacred points of the gods."
Made in Real de Catorce, in the San Luis Potosi region of Mexico, in the mountains above Wirrikuta, the Peyote Gardens, this yarn painting is unique and made by hand pressing individual threads on to a wax covered piece of wood.
The Indigenous Mexican Wixarika Huichol artists work collaboratively as a family and Benigno Carrillo Bautista, his wife, Margarita Carrillo Reza, and his brother Angel Carrillo Carrillo. They create intricate art pieces using traditional Wixarika symbols and allies. Representations of sacred objects, ceremonies, and the Wixarika cosmovision are depicted in these traditional artworks.
You can learn more about these artists, their work, and their heritage here:
yarn, wood, wax
measures 30 x 30cm