La Jicara de Hikuri, yarn painting


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yarn, wax, wood

measures 8 x 8"

This Wixarika Huihcol yarn painting is made in the San Luis Potosi region of Mexico, in Real de Catorce, a mountain town above Wirrikuta, the Peyote Gardens. This piece is unique and made by hand pressing individual threads on to a wax covered board.

This piece highlights the jicara, a traditional gourd bowl, which here is holding flechas, prayer arrow offerings, and the sacred hikuri peyote plant.

Yarn paintings use intricate Huichol symbolism and designs to depict shamanic journeys and visions. Created by pressing yarn into bee’s wax from special hives melted onto a wooden base, they illustrate the Huichol cosmology which includes a connection to all things in the natural world. These yarn paintings are representations of what is important to them in their shamanic ways and belief systems. Often, they are made after a vision or dream to capture specific symbols and images. A yarn painting can bring a powerful energy to any space and does so for the Huicholes who place them in spaces for ceremony, offerings and inspiration. This can be hung or framed.


The Indigenous Mexican Wixarika Huichol artists create intricate art pieces using traditional Wixarika symbols and allies. Representations of sacred objects, ceremonies, and the Wixarika cosmovision are depicted in these traditional artworks. 

You can learn more about some of these artists, their work, and their heritage here:

Wixarika Huichol Artists Traditions