Our MISSION is to perpetuate Indigenous spiritual and shamanic wisdom, culture, and traditions.
We SUPPORT projects that are conceived, implemented, and led by the Indigenous communities that they directly benefit.
We SUPPORT Indigenous led events, projects, and learning experiences that promote the continuation of Indigenous healing practices, ceremony, song, dance, art, language and wisdoms.
We SUPPORT connecting Indigenous healers of different cultures to honor the exchange of beliefs and ideas.
We BELIEVE that by honoring and supporting Indigenous people in the perpetuation of their spiritual practices, we will inspire humanity to connect more deeply with our spiritual roots.
The Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange is a 501(c) 3 non-profit # 20-8909687
Shaman is a word derived from the Tungus word şamān “One who sees in the dark,” the German word Schamane and Russian word šamán “Traditional Healer.” There may also be ties ...
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Shamanic education from the perspective of the CSEE is about demonstrating to Western culture the validity and critical importance of indigenous knowledge and philosophy....
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We seek to connect the shamanic people of many cultures so they can exchange ideas and wisdom for the benefit of their tribes and for humanity. We work to replace the ...
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