Saq' Be' (pronounced Sock Bay) is an organization for Mayan and Indigenous spiritual studies that was formed at the turn of the 21st century at the request of Mayan elders in Guatemala. Their mission is to respectfully facilitate the integration of the knowledge and wisdom of ancient lineages into the modern world while supporting those that maintain the living traditions in their homelands. These regions include the highlands of Guatemala, as well as support for traditions from the Ecuadorian Amazon, Peruvian Andes, Colombian Sierra Nevada, and various communities in the US.
The Center for Shamanic Education provided support to Saq’ Be’ in 2021 with a grant of $1,225 for the development of a medicinal garden in Chichicastenango. The project engaged local elders and is elevating traditional healing knowledge and wisdom.
By the Winter of 2022 we received an update from Saq’ Be’ indicating that the garden is producing, and plants are available. Plans to make the garden project more sustainable and available to its surrounding community are underway. We look forward to staying in touch with Saq’ Be’ and watching how this project grows!
Chichicastenango, Guatemala
Language Spoken
Navajo, English
Your donations helped the studies of using a traditional Diné ceremony to support physical and psychological healing for those living with depression and emotional distress.