by Béthany Pozzi-Johnson
Your energy field is a song. It sounds metaphorical – it certainly is a lovely image – but truly, your energy field is an electromagnetic field, which, just like music, vibrates and has its own unique resonant frequencies (the HeartMath Institute has done some inspiring research on the subject.)
The Earth, too, resonates, as do the plants and animals, and our own field interacts with and is affected by the Earth’s resonances. There’s a symphony out there, and you’re a precious member of it.
How extraordinary then, (or absolutely reasonable) that the Shipibo hear songs in nature. They take it one step further and repeat them back in songs called Icaros; powerful, beautiful songs which they sing to support healing, clear dissonances, and bestow the blessings of nature upon the recipients.
Your personal energy field can be as clear and intentional as the Icaros, or as any inspiring piece of music – humming through you with purity and wholeness. Your energy field can be a blessing, a song of peace, of joy, of abundance. (Imagine complex symphonic harmonies or the pure voice of a soloist – your field is versatile.)
Most of us probably don’t experience that level of clarity in our fields, though. Surrounded by buildings, cars, and busy-ness, our minds get scattered, our bodies tired.
While this may be a common occurrence, it can certainly be tended to. Clearing your field, and maintaining energetically clear space in your home, car, and office is a practice. And intentionally living your personal songs is a way to be playfully alive.
Conscious beginning: Set intentions to live within a certain vibration. Write your intentions down, in your clearest writing, and place them on an altar, or somewhere that it can serve to remind you. Remember you can change your intentions at any time, so be bold, and follow your intuition.
Be inspired: Spend a lot of time in nature. The purity of the vibration of plants, land and other natural elements help us to clear our fields and return to our own home resonance. Maintaining a clear field will simultaneously help you to tune into the powerful energies of the natural world. Those gorgeous lilacs are singing, whether or not you’re tuning your receptors to hear it. Consciously listen for their lovely hum (or full on operatic vibrato) as you walk past them, and let them inspire you to keep your own field clear.
Tune in and tune up: The words you choose are powerful, so be attentive to when your thoughts move outside your intended vibration. The power of noticing gives you the opportunity to choose a new tune. Spend time in places and with people who support your song, rather than throw it off beat or drown it out with a cacophony of other tunes. When you do notice that you’re feeling a bit off, or your thoughts have become dissonant, revisit your intention, spend some time outside, exercise, or take a shower.
Ask for help: Talk to your favorite healer about clearing emotional and mental patterns that feel like they’re a cd stuck on repeat. Our fields really are vibrational, and sometimes dissonance becomes so familiar we hardly notice it anymore.
Sing or play some music! Singing, drumming, strumming – these are all amazing ways to clear your field and reharmonize your personal energy.